Seborrheic Keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis is the presence of noncancerous wart-like growths on the skin surface. Its popular names are barnacle, senile keratosis, seborrheic verruca, and senile warts. Keratinocyte is the beginning part of this benign growth on the surface of the skin. Aging is a factor that can contribute to the appearance of seborrheic keratosis.

The clinical term “seborrheic keratosis” is the combination of word seborrheic (characterized by the skin disorder causing scaly, itchy, and flaky, reddish skin affecting the sebum-gland rich areas), and the producer of keratin known as keratinocyte and the suffix -osis meaning abnormal.

Different colors from light tan to black may characterize the occurrence of seborrheic keratoses. From a tiny mark to over one inch across, the measurement may vary.

Even though it has no viral origins, it can look like a wart and even melanoma skin cancer. Since only the top layer of the outermost skin is involved, seborrheic keratosis can be described to have a pasted on appearance.

It is still unclear why there are seborrheic keratoses appearing on some individuals. Nonetheless, UV rays can be pointed out given the fact the sun-exposed body parts are affected. This areas include arms, neck, face, and back. Also, genetics can also be a factor to be considered on determining the cause of seborrheic keratosis.

The horny pearls and the embedded cysts can be attributed to its development on the skin. If you are in doubt, it is best to talk to a skin expert. A common way to know your condition is through a skin biopsy.

Seborrheic keratosis looks greatly like epidermal nevi. It is compulsary for you to have dermatoscopy since it also resembles condylomas and warts. A skin biopsy is necessary for you to determine it from condylomas when it is on the genital skin or on the penis.

There is no more treatment needed if there was a correct diagnosis to the skin condition. Picking at the lesions brings a small risk on invading the surrounding area of the infection. One good method is cryosurgery if there is a sharp itchiness brought by the growth.

For those individuals who have tiny lesions, light electrocautery is the best treatment to be deemed into consideration. In the same way, for those individuals who have bigger lesions, different treatments like shave excision, electrodessication and curettage, and cryotherapy can be gone through. Proper performance of the treatment is needed for the skin to have not much visible scarring save for those who have dark skins.