Causes Of Skin Pigmentation Problems:
The skin’s appearance is always an issue of concern for a majority of people. Evenly colored skin tones are widely considered to be good skin. Pigmentation, or skin coloring, depends on the level of melanin produced in one’s skin. Excessive production will cause dark patches (known as hyperpigmentation) while absence of melanin or reduced melanin causes white spots, or lighter areas (known as hypopigmentation). Both can be stressful, even when they represent no serious health consequences.
Exposure to high levels of ultra violet light (UV) through the sun tanning or through artificial sources such as sunlamps is one of the most common causes of skin pigmentation.
Poor diet, undernourishment or malnourishment can also cause pigmentation changes. This is due to lack of vitamin A, E and B complex which causes patchy and spotty discoloration of the skin
Changes in female hormones especially during pregnancy and menopause may also cause skin pigmentation and this is seen by brown spots on the face. The use of birth control pills may also bring about pigmentation.
Jaundice, which is caused by accumulation of bile in your blood and body tissues, may also cause severe pigmentation although it rarely does. Pneumonia can cause pigmentation as well, as it affects the amount of oxygen getting to the bloodstream.
Excessive use of cosmetics may cause allergic reactions thus leading to pigmentation. Certain makeup products have chemical ingredients such as creams that have mercury in. These react adversely on the skin surface causing skin discoloration.
Albinism is the most common inheritable cause of pigmentation; it is characterized by pale skin, Pale hair and pale eyes. In this condition the sufferer does not have or has minimal skin pigmentation.
Vitiligo is another skin pigmentation problem that can cause hypopigmentation on specific areas of the body. It this type of pigmentation condition the sufferer loses their skin color. It occurs when the immune cells destroy the cells that produce brown pigment (melanocytes).
There are four types of drug reactions that can cause or lead to skin pigmentation. These are photosentivity reactions, drug-induced hyperpigmentation, fixed drug eruptions and drug eruptions with secondary post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Although pigmentation changes by drugs usually result in a limited degree of morbidity, these changes may be disturbing to the patient. The drugs prescribed for high blood pressure, asthma, insomnia, birth control and acne are the most common types of drugs that might cause pigmentation.
Finally, avoid the avoidable causes of this skin condition and you will be safe from pigmentation problems.