Types of Pigmentation – Flat Moles

Flat moles are referred to as dark mole spots which are not raised on the skin, they are often confused with other types of skin pigmentation.  They can appear anywhere on the skin and can come in varying colours of brown , pink or tan. Majority of moles found on skin are flat in shape and they come in even colours and regular shapes. It is generally believed that flat moles can be easily removed than raised moles, and with a fade cream , the appearance of a flat mole can be lessen and with time may even fade away completely if it is not a Malign tissue formation.  Flat moles are so called because they do not protrude out of the skin unlike raised moles. Just like other types of moles, flat moles can also get darker especially when left untreated .

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How the Skin Pigmentation works

Our face skin pigmentation is basically the first receiver that catches any kind of effects because of having very thin kind of upper layer. The impacts of pigmentation are very big in the way the other people can easily notice and we ourselves as well. The face is the most visible part of our body and people can initially notice the skin tone and complexion of the face

The skin takes it’s primarily color through the melanin, and the melanocyte cells present in the skin produce this pigment. If your skin contain more melanin the color will become darker same like the concentration of the pigment at high level results in freckles and the beauty marks at different areas.

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Illnesses causing Hyper-pigmentation- Addison’s disease

Addison’s disease is a rare hormonal disorder which affects some individuals. It is believed that the disease affects 1 out of every 100,000 people in the world,  and it is an infection that occur in all age groups and affect both men and women alike. One of the symptoms of the addison’s disease infection is the darkening of both the exposed and non-exposed body parts, low blood pressure, fatigue, muscle weakness and many others.

Addison’s disease occur especially when the adrenal glands cannot produce enough Hormone Cortisol and aldosterone , hence the addison’s disease is sometimes referred to as Hypocortisolism or Chronic adrenal insufficiency.  Cortisol is an important hormone which helps the body respond positively to stress, it also helps the body maintain a steady blood pressure as well as cardiovascular functions, it is critical in aiding the immune system’s slow response to inflammatory problems, It helps a great deal in the body’s metabolism of food components such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and it helps regulate the balancing of Insulin for the breakdown of sugar into energy.

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Illnesses causing Hyper-pigmentation – Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

The Peutz Jeghers syndrome , often referred to as the PJS is an infection that is often inherited through a family lineage, it can lead to hyper-pigmentation. It is a condition in which an individual develops Intestinal Polyps and the individual’s chances of developing some forms of cancers are increased. It is believed that around 1 out of every 25,000 to 350,000 individuals are affected by the PJS at birth . PJS is caused by a mutation in some certain genes  and this genetic alterations are passed down through a family lineage as an autosomal dominant trait, for instance the chances of getting such syndrome if any of your parents have it is ration 50:50. It is important to note that sporadic PJS are not passed through family lineages.

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Skin Pigmentation | What Types Of Pigmentation Are There

Types of Skin Pigmentation

Our skin normally pigments under the influence of melanin, a substance which protects the skin cells for UV radiation. The lesser the melanin, the brighter the skin will be. However, when melanin is produced in an irregular manner, the skin tone can become uneven and produce darker areas in the skin.

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Skin pigmentation is an Adaptation to UV Light:

Skin pigmentation can be a result of location and therefore race.

Adaptation and mutation:

The occurrence of divergence in the genes happens as a result of population change by a genetic mutation. If DNA exists all the time to become different a mutation happens as a result. As a result of few mutations the organism’s death occurs before giving birth. But few evidences have proved that mutation is advantageous or having compatible features with the life that will result in a recently made species.

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Types of Pigmentation – wound scarring

Wound scarring takes place especially when a wound is healing, this can lead to non-uniform skin pigmentation. The would often heals up by the formation of some fibrous tissues referred to as scars, some scars could be highly disfiguring and such types of scars include; Hypertrophied scars, kyloids, and widened scars. These are the kinds of wounds which heal so fast above the surface of the skin. Scar tissues are the natural body responses to injuries and they are formed only by the body in response to a damaged soft tissues. They vary in colour, severity, form , size and duration. Wound scarring will also vary depending on the kind of wound that healing, age of the individual, race, medication and after care techniques.

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Types of Pigmentation – Acne Scarring

Acne scars often occur at the site of an injury to the skin, whilst doing so they can result in unwanted pigmentation. There is often a variation in scarring between an individual and the other , however acne scarring often occur from severe inflammatory cystic acne infections.  Scarring may also occur from some superficial inflamed lesions of the skin. Acne scarring can be prevented by treating any form of inflammatory acne infections on time. There are several acne scarring types, the increased tissue formation result from acne infections may result in Keloids or Hypertrophic  acne scarring. The treatment of acne scarring often vary from 30% to 75% in improvement of the scarred region.

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Regarding Skin Pigmentation Problems

Skin pigmentation is basically what is called the human body’s skin coloring. Melanin, a substance made by the body’s skin cells (melanocytes), determines what kind of skin color a person will exhibit. Skin pigmentation depends on what an individual’s racial origin is as well as the amount of sunlight they are usually exposed to.

Typically mentioned when discussing skin pigmentation are skin problems and terms like freckles, flat moles, liver spots, brown spots, age spots, sun spots, solar lentigo, actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis, port-wine stains, birthmarks, melasma, chloasma, mask of pregnancy, acne scarring, wound scarring, and post-inflammatory pigmentation. The terms stated above all have some kind of connection with skin pigmentation. This is because skin disorders usually surface as discolorations of the skin.

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Skin Pigmentation – Albinism

Albinism is a skin pigmentation problem. People living with this condition often have limited or no skin pigmentation in several parts of their body and that includes their eyes, hair, and skin. They have inherited a condition in which their genes have been altered not to produce enough or no skin pigmentation producing hormones-melanin.  albinism affects people of all colour and race and in the United States alone, it is believed that 1 out of every 17,000 individuals suffer from the problem. In most cases, people do not realize that they are suffering from albinism, most people who suffer from the condition have blue eyes though some may have some violet or reddish eye colours.

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