Can Age Spots Be Cancerous

One has to worry about having age spots if it degrades his or her self esteem. It is also supposed that age spots can cause cancer. But before jumping into conclusions, you have to know some basic things about age spots and skin cancer, and see how they are related to each other.

Age spots commonly occur on older people, since they have more sun damage to their skin. Those parts of the skin which takes in too much sunlight are more affected. Of course, it is not only old age that contributes to the occurrence of age spots, but the frequency of one’s sun exposure. dead melanocytes are what causes age spots.

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Skin pigmentation

Abnormal skin pigmentation

Majority of people have got irritated by the skin pigmentation and some other kind of birth marks. Here you can overview the list of most common problems that affect so many people. If you are also suffering of any one of these problems you should talk to some skin specialist or physicians who can diagnosis the actual problem and than treat it in a perfect way.

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Types of Skin Pigmentation – Birthmarks

It is often common to see birth marks and pigmentation on the skin of new born babies or shortly after they are born. These birth marks could be those that are hardly noticeable or those that are very prominent and disfiguring.  Birthmarks are either raised or flat, and they may come with varying shades of colours such as black, pink, red , tan, pale blue, brown , and black. Red birthmarks, Pigmentation birthmarks, and Vascular birthmarks are the three main types of birthmarks common in new born babies. Most birthmark occurrences are harmless and may fade away from the skin overtime while few of such are related to any serious health problems.

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Sun Damaged Skin:

How is it possible to treat sun damaged skin naturally?

The exposure of sun can be so harmful for you skin and make your skin less attractive. In other words we can say that it is just like cooking process in which you skin can be cooked when ultra violet directly react on your skin and make your skin tan or the color of outer layer can become darker. The color of your skin will convert into red because of extreme sun exposure or may also become blister. Your damaged skin problem can be alleviated that has been caused by the sun damage by the proper treatment. The treatment can also soothe your pain. The damaged skin from exposure of sun can be treated by following the simple steps.

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Marks Of Pregnancy (Melasma) On Various parts of the Body

Mask of pregnancy (melasma) or pregnancy stretch marks cannot be removed , they can only be covered up to a large extent especially by wearing make-ups , even make-ups used in this regard must be be those that will not harm the health of both the mother and the child. Make-ups and cover ups are inexpensive and can be found in supermarkets and cosmetic stores. There are several types of make ups/ cover-ups that can be used in hiding pregnancy related stretch-marks and melasma . These include; Concealers, Bronzing powders, Bronzing creams, and tattoos.

It will be ideal to make use of concealers which will match the tone of your skin. Darker shades will only reveal more uneven tones, hence find a concealer that will match your skin tone before applying it on the masks. If you want to conceal only the stretch marks then you must ensure that you apply the concealers only on the lines, and some of the best concealers for pregnancy marks can hide the mask lines for about 12 hours or even more.

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Hyperpigmentation and sun cream


Hyperpigmentation can be caused by a number of factors and one of the most prominent of such factors is the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun. Hyperpigmentation cause a lot of skin disorders and the commonest among such are ; sun spots, freckles, melasma, and moles. Aside being caused by sun rays, hyperpigmentation can cause a number of discomfort and irritation to the skin and some of these hyperpigmentation problems are malignant in nature, hence not all of them are safe, some can actually lead to more complicated skin disorders such as cancer.

In response to the effect of the sun on the skin, melanin is produced rapidly by the melanocyte cells underneath the layers of the skin. The melanin include progesterone and estrogen receptors which are the main parts of the hormones that control sexual activities in both males and females. When melanin production is increased steadily, the sensitivity of these hormones are also increased rapidly and such an action will stimulate more the production of melanin in the body. The resultant effect of the whole action is hyperpigmentation which cause several discolourations in the skin.

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Skin Pigmentation | What Types Of Pigmentation Are There

Types of Skin Pigmentation

Our skin normally pigments under the influence of melanin, a substance which protects the skin cells for UV radiation. Melanin also determines the skin color of an individual. But when melanin is overproduced or underproduced, the skin will be stained.

There are many types of skin pigmentation according to their cause and characteristics. The most common types of skin pigmentation are mentioned below.

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Age spots – Herbal treatment

Most herbal age spot treatment therapies are often combined with some other forms of natural age spots treatment to remove effective those spots from the skin.  Many people still believe that most herbal remedies do not work for age spots, hence they must be combined with some other forms of treatment. Lemon juice for instance is one of the best herbal remedies for age spots, however it has been proven that It can barely works all alone.

The powerful antioxidants present in most of these age spot herbal treatments ideally make them to be high desirable for all forms of skin treatments.  Anti oxidants work by preventing the oxidation of some free radicals which promote ageing problems on the skin,  mixing lemon extracts or any other age spot herbal remedy with Co-enzyme Q10 for instance will ensure that you get the best result for the treatment of age spots with herbal remedies. These powerful combination helps remove damages caused by the exposure of the skin to the sun and then including age spots and wrinkles and then reset an even pigmentation while improving the overall texture of the skin.

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Talking About Skin Pigmentation Disorders

Generally speaking, skin pigmentation is all about the coloring of one’s skin. Melanin, a substance produced by the body’s skin cells (melanocytes), determines what kind of skin color an individual will exhibit. The color of a person’s skin pigmentation depends mainly on his or her ethnic or racial origin as well as the extent of his or her exposure to the sun’s rays outside.

Usually mentioned when discussing skin pigmentation are skin problems as well as terms like freckles, flat moles, liver spots, brown spots, age spots, sun spots, solar lentigo, actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis, port-wine stains, birthmarks, melasma, chloasma, mask of pregnancy, acne scarring, wound scarring, as well as post-inflammatory pigmentation. These all, in one way or another, concern the skin’s coloring. This is due to the fact that skin problems typically appear as skin pigmentation disorders.

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How to treat skin pigmentation

All living things even if they are vertebrates of simple kind or human beings of complex kind have different colors and size and patterns that makes them different from each other. Pigmentation is commonly inheritable being controlled by three important factors, genetic, environmental and endocrine. Pigmentation is modulated by the melanin distribution and its amount in your skin hair and the eyes. Additionally Melanin helps to protect your skin against the ultra violet rays and to make an important system to defend the skin of human being from all the damaging factors. Face is said to be the biggest organ of your body and different kind of internal and external factors first effect on it.

This review mainly focus to give you the update about the physiological and biological factors that are seems to be supportive for the pigmentation Some endocrine factors may also are under consideration that influence on  the changes that may be temporary or permanent in the color of skin

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