19th August 2010
Xeroderma pigmentosum is an infection that occurs in people that are just too sensitive to sunlight. It is a rare occurring infection, and it occur in people with premature skin ageing and people who are prone to skin cancer. It is believed that people who suffer from Xeroderma Pigmentosum are those suffering from a genetic effect in which the gene that repairs to cells being damaged Ultraviolet rays are defective. This defect in the cell repairing mechanism result to skin deaths and people who suffer from this infection will witness multiple pigmented spots and large atrophic lesions.
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18th August 2010
Freckles which appear on the hand are quite easier to treat than freckles on the chest or face. They are characterized by some little round dark spots which often appear independently on in clusters . Freckles on the hand can probably come from the excessive exposure of the body to sunlight or some hereditary factors. There are several masks which can be used in over-shadowing freckles that appear on the hand , however such protective masks will only shield the skin from being embarrassed by the presence of freckles, they however cannot cure the infections. Freckles mask can be applied for between 5-10 minutes daily for a few months.
Freckles on the hand often get worse especially due to the fact that the hand is always active , and any form of itching or can lead to the spread of the freckles all around the hand and on surrounding parts of the skin. Some of the best facial masks which you can use in masking off freckles on your hand include; red currants, strawberry, apricots, cucumbers, and warm honey among several others.
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17th August 2010
Fading brown spots is the best alternative way of removing brown spots in some other ways. Fading mechanisms ensure that a gradual approach is taken by gradually removing the brown spots from the most affected area of the body to the least affected region. This will ensure that there is an even removal of brown spots from the body while the after effects of treatments associated with quick and sudden treatment therapies are avoided. Brown spot fading will create an even skin tone unlike harsh chemical peels or bleaching agents which may often create an uneven skin tones on the body.
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15th August 2010
Skin blemishes are typical for some people due to a wide array of skin health factors. These factors include genetics, diet, stress, unfavorable weather, excess oil on the skin, clogged pores, aging and skin damage brought about by the harmful rays from the sun. These factors are the ones responsible for an early aging that leads to the production of skin blemishes especially on the face. Forms of skin blemishes are blackheads, whiteheads, and acnes.
Cracking in the skin can be caused by severe dryness that is generated by skin blemishes. Inflammation of the skin can be avoided by means of topical creams that diminish the redness of the skin blemishes. Never hesitate to consult a skin expert on learning more about your skin condition.
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14th August 2010
Those tiny speckles on skin are sometimes mistakenly called age spots. Although they are known as age spots, age doesn’t really matter and everyone could have them. Too much production of melanin on the skin is the root cause of this. Our skin’s pigmentation is influenced by how much melanin our body produces, and this melanin protects our skin from the sun. And as a parent, you would also like to stop your children from having age spots.
Age spots could be brought about by many different cause. Heredity is a cause. If this occurs in most of family members or relatives, one has the chance to develop “age” spots. Fair skinned people also have higher chances of acquiring age spots. Age spots can also be due to one’s daily routine.
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12th August 2010
A chemical peel is a technique that is characterized by the use of mixture of chemicals that creates gel-like consistency. This kind of dermatological technique is for diminishing dead skin cells from the skin so that there will no longer be fine lines and blemishes, lightening of the dark spots of the skin, getting rid of circles around the eyes, diminishing of puffiness, as well as skin tightening and skin smoothening.
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10th August 2010
I am quite sure that if you are or had been suffering from age spots or other problems involving the skin, you most certainly have come across the term hydroquinone. But if you are lucky enough to not have handled age spots or other skin problems, this must be your first rendezvous with this term. Hydroquinone is a chemical compound which is used in various ways but most notably used in the field of medicine particularly dermatology. Because of its capability to “whiten” the skin by minimizing melanin production, it is considered to be an effective “whitening” tool. Specifically, hydroquinone can be used in lightening various skin lesions such as age spots, scars from pimples, freckles or birth marks or in making uneven skin color even.
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Are you afraid of having those unsightly dark spots on your skin? Does imagining yourself in front of the mirror while using a concealer to cover up those age spots cause you distress? Are you anxious of spending no less than a thousand merely to remove those blemishes just in case you have them when you reach the age of forty? Or are you afraid of even the most minor complications these treatments for age spots might cause? If all your answers are affirmative, protect your skin beginning now!
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Those level lesions which usually range in color from brown to gray to black are called liver spots but most ordinarily known as age spots. These lesions are most commonly found in the areas of the body that are exposed to the sun most of the time. The face, hands and arms are the classic problem areas. A liver spot’s shape is oblong and its size range is from very minute to one centimeter in diameter. Lastly, we see evidence that the skin obtained significant damage such as the appearance of wrinkles and the manifestation of dry skin.
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Sunlight is one of the major factors of having age spots or hyperpigmentation. This is in a way that extended exposure to the sun can aggravate the effects of age spots and pigmentation of the skin. This happens when the skin absorbs too much ultraviolet rays. Vitamin D production is provoked by ultraviolet rays. Too much ultraviolet rays causes skin injury and aging.
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