Types of Skin Pigmentation
Our skin normally pigments under the influence of melanin, a substance which protects the skin cells for UV radiation. The lesser the melanin, the brighter the skin will be. However, when melanin is produced in an irregular manner, the skin tone can become uneven and produce darker areas in the skin.

The origin and effects of skin pigmentation are different. If you like to know more about the types of skin pigmentation, the details are below.
• Ephelides/Freckles
People with light skin are the common victims of freckles. Freckles are hereditary blemishes, usually brown spots on the cheeks, chest or any area exposed to the sun. Having some freckles can make you look cute but when it is too many, it could be a nuisance.
• Solar Lentigines
These dark spots are also referred to as age spots or sun spots. Damaged melanocytes which are not disposed of properly can cause discoloration. Age spots commonly appear on sun exposed areas. They resemble freckles but their causes are different.
• Melasma
Melasma occurs more in women than in men. This could be due to hormones, because women who are taking oral contraceptives are more prone to having them. The most common symptoms of melasma are dark brown patches on skin. Two forms of melasma are the epidermal and dermal. In the case of epidermal melasma, it is only subtle because it only affects the epidermis. Dermal melasma could be difficult to remove because it lies deep under the skin.
• Chloasma
Pregnant women are more likely to have chloasma. Excessive sun exposure can aggravate this condition. It can also occur on the abdominal area.
The abovementioned pigmentation troubles are caused by too much pigmentation. In contrast with that, we’ll talk about hypopigmentation next. Hypopigmentation is the lack of melanin on skin.
• Skin Damage
Damaged skin, due to wounds or the like may cause some pigment loss for some time but it is only temporary.
• Albinism
Albinism is the complete absence of melanin. People affected with this have very white skin color, eye color and hair color. People who have albinism have a gene which restricts melanin production. Albinos have a greater danger of skin cancer.
• Vitiligo
The common symptoms of vitiligo are smooth white patches on skin. Damaged melanocytes maybe the cause of vitiligo. There is no known remedy for vitiligo yet.
One should seek for medical advice before going through any medication of these skin conditions. Self treatment can be more hazardous.