People with skin pigmentation normally look for ways to treat it so as to blend the color of the skin together. The best way to go about it is to consult a dermatologist who will be able to offer useful advice on how to treat it appropriately. However, treating skin pigmentation is not difficult. The first thing to do is to find out the causes of skin pigmentation and avoid it totally. Skin pigmentation is normally caused by over exposure of the surface of the skin to sunlight, exposure to other ultraviolet rays and lack of vitamins A and C in the body. Some hormones can also trigger skin pigmentation in pregnant women and those who uses contraceptive pills. Some of the methods of treating skin pigmentation are not costly and can be done by individuals.
The first method to use for treating pigmentation is to protect the surface of the skin from sunlight. There are different ways to achieve this: sunscreen lotions can be applied on the skin to protect from the harmful effect of the sun. People can also wear hats to defend the head and the face against sun rays. There are sunglasses available to protect the eyes. Long sleeve cloth can be worn while out in the sun. It is also important to stop standing under the sun directly for more than twenty minutes. Sun bath lovers can do so in the morning hours when the effect of sun rays are minimal than in the noon time when it is very intense.
Most people with skin pigmentation problems lack Vitamins A and C in their body. Vitamin A is a skin normalizer. It blends the spot where the skin pigmentation occurs with the rest of the body. Vitamin C helps the body to inhibit the production of enzyme tyrosinase which reduces the production of melanin responsible for the change of color of the skin. Dermatologists can also recommend the use of Retin-A which can get rid of the top layer of the skin surface very fast. Pigmentation is normally seen at the topmost levels of the skin layers. When Retin-A is used, it triggers off the reaction of the tissue surrounding the skin to the epidermal development thereby improving the color of the skin.
Skin lightening creams can also remove skin pigmentation. Dermatologists can also recommend the use of chemical peeling, Microdermabrasion, Photofacial intense pulse light laser and Skin Resurfacing depending on the level of skin pigmentation noticed on the skin. This is the reason why it is necessary to first of all consult dermatologists before embarking on any method of treatment.

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